On Sunday I saw a play called "Christmas at Christine's" written and performed by Christine Bunuan at Silk Road Rising. I went with mommy, I met someone named Malik he's the nice man who gave me the ticket he's the Founding executive director. He's really nice. The play was directed by J.R. Sullivan.
The play was about someone named Christine. Christine loves to sing songs and she sang a lot of songs for us in her house. Some of the songs were Christmas songs. Some were not Christmas songs. I learned a little about Christine in between the songs. I learned that her favorite Christmas Movie (and my favorite too) is "Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer." She loves everything to do with Christmas like Christmas trees and decorating and shopping and forgetting her mom's password, that was funny. Her family was from the Philippine's, when she was a baby and her family came to America they taped a Christmas tree on the wall with lights. Now her family lives far away and she won't see them for Christmas this year but she's ok with that because she knew she'd see them next Christmas and because she has a theatre family to be with, like Silk Road.

My favorite part was when she played Moishe Baby on her new ukelelé from her husband. I liked it because it was a new version of Santa Baby and I like that song. I also liked the part where she asked the audience to sing Silent Night with her but I didn't remember the words.
This show taught me that you have to love Christmas because its a special holiday for remembering about Jesus and to remember your family. And when your family isn't near just do your own thing and be kind to people who are around you. Christine thanked us for being a part of her Christmas. And I would like to say thank you to Christine for doing this show because it was really good and it will be a part of my Christmas memories this year.
Everybody in this Whole Wide World should see this show because it will teach them how to be kind and if they aren't kind they should have to see this show to make them happy and kind.
I give this show 2,000 points because it shows people how to be kind to everyone.
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